Missions & Compassionate Care

The Church of the Nazarene supports mission efforts in over 156 world areas, including the United States. Locally, our church collaborates with other providers and engages with the community in various works of compassion as needs arise.
Some examples:
- Safe Harbor of Chester County: raised over $1,600 two years in a row through a “24 hour paddle” – kayaking at Marsh Creek State Park for a full day/night. We also donated clothing and other items for residents.
- West Chester Food Bank: donations of nonperishable items
- West Chester Area School District: participated in their annual backpack collection, filling backpacks with food items to provide for at-risk children.
- West Chester Salvation Army: collected and donated turkeys at Christmas
- Fawn Grove Compassionate Ministries Center (MD): every year we make “Crisis Care Kits” which are given to people who are recovering from disaster situations such as hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, etc.
- Helping Hands Fund: we provide limited financial assistance to some individuals in the community for emergency needs as determined by the Senior Pastor.